Since the moment, I do not give a damn
of secular scoundrels now destined
to extinction of their entire species
to extinction of their entire species
as elephants with long tusks or hungry
big cats with tremendous canines.
I look at them in passing, while a taxi
big cats with tremendous canines.
I look at them in passing, while a taxi
(decrepit swinging wreck) brings me around
aimlessly. The black driver and I speak
Russian. But I know well I do not know
aimlessly. The black driver and I speak
Russian. But I know well I do not know
neither the Russian nor the taxi driver.
There was a dam on my right hand. “It don’t
hold up for long” they whispered.
There was a dam on my right hand. “It don’t
hold up for long” they whispered.
I’m nine years old and we are in Vajont.
“Hey, guys! But look at her, my old and very
wrinkled aunt”. To ensure that her
“Hey, guys! But look at her, my old and very
wrinkled aunt”. To ensure that her
death doesn’t come too soon,
she sucks ever and ever
a red ancient unknown potion.
she sucks ever and ever
a red ancient unknown potion.
For my part, I have already
excavated the deep grave
for myself. And, I assure
excavated the deep grave
for myself. And, I assure
you, I worked like a madman.
[© Antonino Caponnetto, 31 marzo 2015.]
Dato il momento, non mi frega niente
delle canaglie laiche ormai votate
all’estinzione della specie loro
come elefanti dalle lunghe zanne
o felini famelici dai canini tremendi.
Li guardo di sfuggita, mentre un taxi
(decrepito catorcio altalenante)
mi porta in giro senza alcuna meta.
L’autista nero e io parliamo in russo.
Io so di non conoscere né il russo né l’autista.
C’era una diga sulla nostra destra.
“Non reggerà per molto” sussurravano.
Ho nove anni e siamo sul Vajont.
“Ragazzi, ma guardatela,
questa mia vecchia zia tanto rugosa!”
Forse per non morire troppo presto,
succhia diuturnamente
una rossa pozione antica e ignota.
Per quel che mi riguarda, ho già scavato
la fossa per me stesso. E, vi assicuro,
ho lavorato proprio come un matto.
[© Antonino Caponnetto, 31 marzo 2015.]
*Img : J.M.Basquiat, Untitled (1981)
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